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Our range of racing fuels are suitable for most racing vehicles. If you have a doubt contact us thru the contact form we will assist you

It certainly does! The chemical composition of our racing fuels differs from product to product, and each excels at a specific application. Make use of our Fuel Finder to find out which fuel is right for you.

We strongly suggest not to mix any of our products as they are fine-tuned and tested. For best performance, use ETS Racing Fuels as recommended.

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ETS Racing Fuels will last at least 12 months in an unopened container.

It depends of which fuel – our fuel dedicated for vintage cars will last 2 years in vehicle tanks. Other fuels may not be recommended to keep in vehicle tanks after six months.

ETS Racing Fuel is best stored in a cool and dry environment, away from flames, sparks, embers, or anything that may cause it to ignite.

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Tips Technical

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The octane rating is a measurement of the fuel’s ability to resist detonation. The higher the octane levels, the more resistant it is to detonation and/or pre-ignition. This indicates not how much power can be generated, but rather how much power can be generated safely. Instead of RON (Research Octane Number), make sure to compare Motor Octane Numbers (MON), as they stem from a test that more accurately simulates racing conditions

Combustion energy, vaporization heat and combustion speed are three important and related parameters to achieve high performance. An engine is an energy converter: from chemical energy in gasoline to kinetic energy (movement of pistons), then to movement. This conversion is performed by a combustion reaction.

The octane number is not a value of power. Instead, it lets you know how far you can use the high compression ratio. The high compression ratio will give you more power. In the case of a high compression ratio engine like those used in racing cars, a racing fuel is essential so you don’t burn the piston by detonation or knocking. From a chemical point of view, the molecules with the highest octane numbers are generally molecules that release little energy during combustion. The higher the octane number, the less energy you will get. Therefore, if your engine requires only octane numbers of MON 89 and RON 102, don’t waste fuel energy by using a MON 94 and RON 108 fuel. You won’t gain any performance.


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